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Animal Control | Long Island | New York | Nassau County | Wildlife | Animals | House | Attic | Rid

WILDLIFE CONTROL • LONG ISLAND, NEW YORK Wildlife Control as implemented by Long Island Animal Control Wildlife Removal Services attempts to balance the needs of wildlife with the needs of people using the best available technology.​ Long Island wildlife control includes wildlife conservation and Long Island pest control. Wildlife pest control is the  management of a species defined as a pest, a member of the animal kingdom that adversely impacts on human activities. Pest control measures are implemented as part of an integrated pest management program. In Long Island homes and businesses, the wildlife pests are rodents, birds, raccoons, bats, opossums, groundhogs and squirrels. Control of these pests is accomplished via wildlife removal, habitat modification and wildlife exclusion. Alternatively, various methods of biological controls can be used including the introduction of predators. Animal removal in Nassau County, Long Island is accomplished using various wildlife trapping techniques. The primary objective of our Nassau County wildlife control program is to minimize damage to property in a humane, practical and environmentally friendly manner. Our nuisance wildlife management experts use wildlife control methods matched to the nuisance animal, making the control effort more effective and maximizing safety to the environment, people, domestic animals and other wildlife. The key to controlling wildlife damage, is the expeditious and accurate identification of the wild animal species that is causing the damage. Wildlife control methods implemented by Long Island Animal Control Wildlife Removal Services are appropriate to the location, time of year and other environmental factors.


Wildlife Trapping​ - In New York there are federal, state and local laws governing wildlife control. Animal trapping in New York  is regulated by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. In New York State it is against the law for you to trap and relocate nuisance wildlife without a nuisance wildlife control operator license.  Animal trapping is a very effective wildlife control method, when used to get rid of raccoons in the attic or squirrels in the attic. Wildlife trapping is also the method of choice for opossum removal, rodent control and groundhog removal. Using traps can be very effective in reducing the population of a certain animal species. However, many animal species are protected and can't be trapped without a permit issued by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation or the United States Fish & Wildlife Services.  All birds with the exception of pigeons, starlings and sparrows are protected under the Federal Migratory Bird Act.  
Habitat Modification ​- Is a very effective wildlife control method, because it limits access to one or more of the essential elements for life - water, food, or shelter. Modification of a wild animal's habitat can provide lasting and cost-effective relief from damage caused by nuisance wildlife. Habitat modifications may include securing trash cans lids, or storing garbage cans in an outdoor storage shed to prevent raccoons and opossums from getting into them. Bird feeders attract rats that feed on the bird seed. Therefore, the removal of a bird feeder may be necessary for rodent control. Other typical wildlife habitat modifications would include, removing brush, debris and woodpiles. Cutting back shrubs and trees that come in close proximity to a roof, will prevent animals such as raccoons, squirrels and opossums from using them to access the roof. Wild animals on a roof can do a considerable amount of damage and gain access to the attic or chimney.  
Wildlife Exclusion ​- Physically excluding wildlife from accessing areas and causing damage. This is a highly effective method of wildlife control, but should only be done following the removal of the nuisance wildlife. If wildlife exclusion is attempted prior to wildlife removal, there is a risk of animals being sealed into the home, or building, which can be disastrous. Rodent-proofing or bat-proofing by sealing up openings in a building and preventing animals from entering is an example of wildlife exclusion. Repairing holes in a roof, or soffit following  the removal of raccoons, or squirrels from an attic in Long Island, is another example of wildlife exclusion. Bird spikes are used in Long Island wildlife control to exclude pigeons. Screening vents on a home, or building will exclude starlings and sparrows from entering and is an effective bird control method. Nassau County Animal Control uses fences to prevent ground-dwelling animals, such as groundhogs from gaining access to an area. Chimney caps are used in wildlife control to exclude birds, squirrels and raccoons from entering a chimney. Installing a skirt on a deck, or porch will prevent feral cats and wildlife, such as raccoons and opossums from making their home underneath them.  
Wildlife Repellents - Manufacturers of these products often promise a quick fix to a wildlife control problem. Even under the best set of conditions, wildlife repellents fail to meet user expectations. Most critter repellents simply just don't work. There are numerous raccoon repellents, squirrel repellents, opossum repellents, groundhog repellents, bat repellents, rodent repellents and bird repellents on the market. Unfortunately, none of these magical spray animal repellents or ultrasonic noisemakers are effective wildlife control methods.  
Glue Boards - Can be used in wildlife control, as part of a rodent control program to trap mice. Snakes can also be trapped using glue boards.  
Shooting - Can not be used to control wildlife in residential neighborhoods in Long Island, New York. It is illegal in New York State to discharge a firearm within 500 feet of a dwelling.  
Frightening ​- Visual frightening devices used in the control of wildlife, would include scarecrows and plastic owls. Stationary visual scaring devices are not effective in keeping birds away, because they habituate to them.  
Biological ​-​ Biological control is a method of wildlife control that typically involves the introduction of a  predator to manage a target wildlife population. Guard dogs can be used to protect both crops and livestock from predators. The hazing of Canadian geese involves the use of border collies. The dogs chase the geese, removing the birds from Long Island golf courses and parks. Hawks and falcons are also used in bird control.  
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